Библия » Номера Стронга для НЗ » назад » G2920: κρίσις
Суд, решение, приговор, осуждение, суждение.
Decision (subjectively or objectively, for or against); by extension, a tribunal; by implication, justice (especially, divine law) — accusation, condemnation, damnation, judgment.
крисис / krísis
крьй́сьйс / kree'-sis
старая версия:
суд (20), суда (12), суду (3), суде (3), осуждения (2), осуждению (2), суды (2), о суде (1), судом (1), то суд (1), над судом (1).
damnation, judgment, judgments, condemnation, accusation
judgment, of judgment, charges, of justice, judgment {against him}, sentence, verdict, justice, [to face] judgment, judgments
court, JUSTICE, JUDGMENT, judgments, judgment, sentence, JUDGMENTS, justice
κρίσει, κρίσεις, κρίσεως, κρίσιν, κρίσις