Послание к Филиппийцам
глава 2 стих 15
Сравнение английских переводов, параллельные ссылки, текст с номерами Стронга.
Сравнение английских переводов, параллельные ссылки, текст с номерами Стронга.
чтобы вам быть неукоризненными и чистыми, чадами Божиими непорочными среди строптивого и развращенного рода, в котором вы сияете, как светила в мире,
That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;
so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world,
that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,
so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.”c Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky
that you may become blameless and [f]harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,
so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.